Karin's first activity is to post about your summer reading goals.

first goal is to finish up the
Audio Book Reading Challenge. I only have three books left and I will have reached my goal. I just downloaded Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I've been wanting to read this book for awhile.
My next goal is to read for the
Dystopian Challenge. Since it ends s

oon I don't think I will reach my goal however I still want to participate since this is my favorite genre. The books I've chosen so far are Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and The Passage by Justin Cronin. The Passage is a whopping 766 pages so that one will take me awhile:-)

And finally...I joined the
Read, Remember, and Recommend Teen Challenge . After purchasing the reading journal I've chosen a few books to read. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas. I've always planned to Read To Kill a Mockingbird so this is a must this summer and Because I am Furniture was recommended as a Child Called It read-alike in the reading journal.
Of course I have more books to read than the above titles but these are my "must reads".
The prize for this challenge is Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

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Mr. Linky!
Thanks for joining the reading challenge. I just bought THE PASSAGE yesterday and plan to read it soon. I bought mine on Kindle and didn't realize it was so long though. WOW!
Great choices for the challenge. To Kill A Mockingbird is always fantastic
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